"我一直在考虑这个选项,当我认为这样做能为团队带来优势时,我会选择实施。" 丰塞卡补充道。
p<"想要完全控制意甲中的每场比赛并不容易,比如对阵恩波利或亚特兰大都是挑战。“我们追求的是攻守之间的平衡,希望稳固后防同时创造机会。在面对布拉迪斯拉发的时候,即便曾经领先1-0,却未能保持住主动权,被迅速扳平。” p > < p >< strong > 莱奥更适合首发吗? strong > p > < p > “目前来说确实如此。我为莱奥制定了两个方案,一个没有成功,一个则取得了成效。我非常高兴看到他的回应,不过希望能够维持这样的连续性,米兰现在需要这样的莱奥。” p > < p >< strong > 如何确保明天不会重蹈覆辙? strong > P >" 在意大利联赛里,我们必须做好充分准备,对于不同类型的对手采取不同策略,例如对抗尤文和布拉迪斯拉发是一类,与恩波利以及亚特兰大的较量又属于另一类.” 他说道。
Milan's defensive line tomorrow?
I have a more stable pair of defenders than other combinations. However, due to the number of matches we cannot always use the same duo. Gabia is injured, and we must also consider injury issues.
Aren't you worried about the current nine-point gap?
"PYes, but I'm optimistic." P< STRON G>The similarity in goals conceded against Bratislava and Udinese — will it be repeated again? Strong > P “看似类似但实际上却截然不同,没有可比之处。 布 拉 迪斯 拉 发 的那个失 球 是角 球造成 , 而 我们 防 守 时 使用 三 后 卫 阵 型 是个 人 选择 错误 。 ”PIs compact midfield positioning meant to provide space for faster players going forward?Your question suggests that there may be disconnection between our front and back lines. In our last match, we dominated possession most of the time; however, when facing ten defending players from Bratislava’s box while taking advantage of speed led us to score two goals. When regaining ball control quickly enabled counterattacks with fast-paced players was possible; yet if those quick breakaways fail then structured offensive organization becomes necessary instead.. Our goal remains creating additional spaces rather than sticking strictly into positional play - relying heavily on pressing & exploiting gaps within opposing defenses." (Note: The previous "pressing" part refers only up until this point where I stop my analysis.)