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篮球 2024-12-03 17:31:50 8 0











魔术队近期状态火热,以6胜1负结束这一阶段,小瓦格纳也功不可没。他平均上场35.3分钟,可以贡献24.6分、7.7 助攻以及6个篮板,还有2.6  次抢断入账,其整体投射能力分别为45%、29.% 和86%. 在球队另一核班凯罗因伤遭遇连败之际,小瓦格纳带领团队逆转乾坤,在过去13轮里斩获12胜,其中包括两波六连胜,使球队目前排名东部第三,让湖人、勇士和火箭等传统豪门都不得不含泪点赞其表现。


[... ] 由于霍姆格伦意外受伤, 哈尔滕施泰因被迫迅速回归并发挥关键作用。本期他的表现实属亮眼,共计参与4场比赛取得了15.2   分 、 13 .< span style = " font - weight : bold ; "> 18 &nbs p ; 篮 板 ,同 时还有 (61.% 投 籃 命 中 力). 他首秀即创下14个籃板及4盖帽的新纪录,为缺乏内线支持 的 雷霆 提供坚实保障。如果不是提前做好准备,又怎能做到如此无缝衔接呢?

- 黑榜:

德章 泰·穆雷 / 鹈鹕
本期鹈鹕未尝一捷,以0 胜 4 負告终 。 穆雷 场 均 出 战31.5分鐘,仅 得 到13.0 分5 .8 篮 板 +5 .8 助 攻,但却伴随4.3 次失误,以及2.【数字】次数盗 球,不幸的是他的各项数据大幅下降。此外正負值惨淡至−22。
p>The trade involving Daniels for Murray might be one of the biggest failures this season so far, as Daniels leads the steals chart with an average of 3.[数字] times while three-time All-Star and steal champion Murray has struggled significantly since joining Pelicans. 詹姆斯 / 湖人 此周期湖人与詹姆斯共度困境,两战皆输,总成就仅有二 勝 五 敗。而詹 姓 老 将 每 场 上 場 大 約 三十四 點 三 分 钟 ,場均僅 有18点9範围7個 薦 魚與八點 四 個 幫手進帳,同時還附帶著约 Four Point Nine turnovers in addition to his shooting percentage which is only at forty-two point three percent (three-pointers being a dismal twenty-point five). The negative impact on court also saw him post a total +/- score reading − fourteen point one during that period. In those losses against teams like Golden State or Denver where he missed nineteen straight threes—his plus-minus fluctuated wildly between negatives such as minus thirty through to numbers surrounding eight negatively impacting L.A.'s performance greatly leading discussions about whether age was catching up with LeBron James. 库利巴利 / 奇才                         This player remains relatively unnoticed yet averaged over thirty-six minutes per game without making significant contributions scoring just seven points alongside four rebounds and several assists within their current losing streak spanning zero wins out of five games played resulting into another disappointing mark placed upon them. 爱德华兹 / 森林狼 During recent weeks despite previously nearing playoff contention last year, Edwards’ efforts haven’t yielded expected results anymore either as they fell back down following two victories but then faced four consecutive defeats throughout mid-season causing noticeable discord amongst teammates affecting overall productivity levels heavily reflected by individual stats showing decreased averages across most categories including poor efficiency rates ranging around merely thirty-seven decimal two respectively regarding field goals made along side lower than usual figures particularly noted during tough matchups forcing players off rhythm entirely thus leaving fans wondering if they'll see better from Ant moving forward!
