周三304 美职篮 洛杉矶湖人 VS 金州勇士 2024-12-26 09:00
当前勇士以15胜13负排在西部第8名,每场平均112.8得108.6失。在上轮较量中,他们主场105-111惜败步行者。这已经是他们过去13轮中的第10次落败。本場比賽庫明加独揽全队最高26点,还有8籃板及4助攻;库里虽然有10点5籃板與7助攻入账,却显现疲态,其本赛季每場僅可獲21點,是他进入NBA以来最低水平之一。从整体表现看,当其他球员不能提供支援时,即使库里的防守被针对,也无力挽回局势。今年卫冕之路艰难重重,与此同时,该队今春只有七成五十获勝纪录,使其无法顺利晋级前列位置。据统计,两支球队近期六度相遇, 勇士只获得1勝5負的不佳成绩。
周三305 美职篮 丹佛掘金VS菲尼克斯太阳 2024-12-26 11:30
p<“作为西部第五名,以16载11破记录进军赛事,” 掘金团队实现119 .3 分/116 .0 , 在先前的一轮击溃太阳达90 -117 的绝对优势”迈克尔波特24 、6 个边框四项任务。”同时约基奇轻松插手32 点值取决两幅图像 — 一共带动此类精神动力至关重要!不过穆雷由于脚踝伤病情况还待定是否登台。“今年最大挑战或许会集中体现在防守方面,”因为布朗以及波普已转投别处造成结构损坏,同时薪资空间限制让调整变困难此外替补效率不足27 。 尤其如若再碰面状况即便成功应当占据心理优越感,因为刚才大比分反弹充实信心!Main Team: Strong > P >
Suns are currently ranked at Western Conference No 14th span>, (with a record of only fourteen wins and fourteen losses). They average about one hundred thirteen point four scores per game while conceding up to one hundred fifteen points on the other side. p >
The last match they faced against Nuggets ended in defeat with a scoreline of ninety-ninety-one – this time their third quarter crumbled as opponents scored an astonishing forty-five points compared to mere twenty-eight from themselves! Kevin Durant led his team scoring efforts by netting two dozen plus three rebounds before Bradley Beal caught up too but still fell short overall yet again.” Recently it’s been tough for them given Booker will be absent once more due injury concerns leading into battle ahead where previous struggles loom large amidst hopes facing off Denver anew challenges await “.< / p >
< P >In terms of historical performance over six encounters between these teams, Phoenix has achieved equal success securing win-loss ratios equally matched prior seasons’ results ”. P >
This article reflects solely individual opinions expressed herein without representing any official stance or viewpoint held by betting platforms involved therein!” All data shown is intended merely for reference purposes only based upon available insights gathered through ongoing research conducted throughout various sources utilized during compilation phases."