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篮球 2025-02-07 17:08:33 2 0

(原文发布于2月7日,作者是ESPN撰稿人Kevin Pelton,文章内容不代表译者观点。)



  • 亚特兰大老鹰队得到:
    • 后卫卡里斯-勒韦尔
    • 前锋乔治-尼昂
    • 三个次轮选秀权(2027年、2029年、2031年)
    • 两个未来的选秀权互换权(2026年、2028年)

  • 克利夫兰骑士队得到:
    • 前锋德安德烈-亨特



      This week, most of the transactions focused on established teams looking to contend rather than true championship contenders. This marks Cleveland's first significant mid-season upgrade during a season where they boast the best record in the Eastern Conference.


      The Cavaliers aim to translate their strong performance into playoff success by acquiring Hunter. Despite having only played 16 postseason games, his combination of three-point shooting and defensive skills is well-suited for the rigors of playoff basketball. As a reliable one-on-one defender, he offers more shot creation ability compared to other wing players beside Cleveland’s four All-Stars.

      This season has been particularly fruitful for Hunter as he averages 19 points per game—a notable increase from his previous career high by 3.4 points—while also becoming a more aggressive three-point shooter with an average of 6.7 attempts at a commendable rate of 39% accuracy.

      The shift towards higher-value three-pointers reflects changes in his shot selection; last season saw him taking nearly equal numbers of two-pointers (212) and threes (286). In contrast, this year’s figures show that he's taken almost two-and-a-half times as many threes (247) compared to paint-area twos (101), resulting in an impressive rise in effective field goal percentage from 56.3% to over61%. The value associated with improved shooting choices cannot be understated.

      Despite solid offensive contributions, advanced metrics suggest room for improvement due mainly to low steal rates ((1 theft every36 minutes)) and blocks ((0 .2 blocks every36 minutes)). Furthermore ,Hunter 's rebounding stats are below average among wings but should benefit playing alongside Jared Allenand Evan Mobley who will help mask these deficiencies while enhancinghisone-on-one defense capabilities against larger opponents given his height advantage at six-foot-eight inches(approximatelytwo meters). < P>Cleveland made minimal sacrifices regarding draft assetsfor this trade endeavoringto avoid luxury taxesthisseason.The potential swapoffirst-round picksin26is unlikelytobearfruit whereasby28theHawksmust outperformbothCavaliersandJazzwhowill holdtwodraftassetsfromprevioustradesmadewiththem.< /P >< br />

      The real risk lies within salary commitmentsasMobley&Mitchellwill entercontractextensionsduring2526seasonsoon makingtheirrosterquiteexpensive.LeavingLeVertwhenhiscap-expirescouldhavebeenanexitstrategybutnowtheycommittedtosignificantluxurytaxunlesscoreplayersaredealtaway.Hunter’ s233millionbasepayaddsadditionalcomplexitytoalreadyoverbudgetedteamwhichcurrentlyhas10playercontractsalongsidekeyreservesTyJerome&Sammerrillespeciallygiven Jerome ’ sopportunisticplayoffperformanceimplyinghe’ll commandahigherwage goingforward indicatingthatCavsimplicitlychoseHunterinsteadleveragejeromelandlevartogetherinthefuture. As Clevelandsuperstars' salaries escalate retainingdepthnecessarytowincouldbechallengingparticularlyaround2627whereHunters &Struss contractscomeinto playagainsta backdropofAllen receivinghugeextensionrising20000USD280000 which posesseriousconcernsregardingmaximizingcontentionwindowacrossshorttermconsiderationsversuslong-termfinancialimplications.Cavaliers have rightly optedforthisdynamicapproachprior totakingonpotentiallymostanticipatedplayoffs since90sandabsenceLebronJames!



      虽然亨特本赛季表现出色,但他并不是老鹰团队未来首发侧翼阵容的一部分。预计未来的主力球员将是扎卡里·里萨谢,他在只有19岁时就已经成为球队的主要成员,以及后卫戴森·丹尼尔斯。因此,考虑到这一点,亚特兰大选择了交易亨特,以便更好地平衡他们薪资结构。 尽管如此,这笔交易似乎用一位能力出众且工资合理的优秀球员换取了过少资产。在这笔与骑士进行的交换中以及随后的博格达诺维奇被送往洛杉矶快船以获得海莱和曼恩,他们都削减了自己的薪水总额,为今后的财务灵活性铺路。 目前尚不清楚的是,老鹰会如何利用这些新释放出的薪资空间,因为现有自由球员如勒韦尔及已失去先发位置但仍为核心替补角色扮演重要作用的大个子——克林 特· 卡佩拉,看起来均非优先续约对象。但值得注意的是,在接下来的比赛中 勒 韦 尔 将继续发挥他所曾经担任的重要角色,同时杰罗姆 的崛起也略微减少其上场时间。然而,即使这样 ,他的三分命 中率依然保持着职业生涯的新高水平40%。而 在 骑 士 队期间作为外线防守者同样取得了一定进步。 或许更值得关注的是 老 鹰 隊得到了NBA最不可思议常胜军之一 —— 尼昂。他自2016年至今一直跟随奎因 ·斯奈德教练征战,从爵士开始就是各支强旅中的宝贵拼图。去年 鳥隊创下48胜34负佳绩,而这是尼昂 自进入联盟以来经历过最差成就纪录。从过去四年的历史来看,无论何种情况下,他效力之处几乎都有机会参与季后赛第二轮角逐!然而 考虑到可能暴露出来对抗顶尖球队存在一定局限性的风险,其45%的三分投篮准确度无疑将在关键时刻提供帮助 。   作者: Kevin Pelton 译者:GWayNe

