杜兰特第一次罚球失误,不过第二次稳稳命中。“就这样,他在罚球线上拿到了NBA生涯的第一分,”解说员Mike Tirico当时向ESPN观众说道,“我相信,这是杜兰特未来无数得分的开始。”
张伯伦是首位达成该成就的玩家。1972年,他在面对太阳队时,通过干扰获得职业生涯第30000分。当晚湖人传奇解说员Chick Hearn调侃道:“这就是张伯伦拿到30000分的方法吗?”随后贾巴尔、卡尔-马龙、乔丹、科比、诺维茨基和詹姆斯也相继加入这个行列。不过朱利叶斯·欧文虽也得到过30000分,其中11662是在ABA联赛取得。
“我一直被那些伟大的运动员激励着,” 杜兰特在太阳以112比119不敌灰熊之后说道,“希望能够追赶他们,我们所做的一切让我感受到梦想般美好。”
"我只想用正确方式去努力工作,每天都全力以赴……尽管收获不少荣誉,但最重要的是,我每天都致力于让自己变得更优秀。" 在效力太阳的第三个赛季,此役结束后回顾自己的职业经历,杜兰特别并不急于谈论即将来临的重要节点,而是愿意等真正实现那一天再讨论。他强调不会刻意追求某项奖项或荣誉,而是秉持简单心态:持续进步,不断努力,看自己能走多远。而他的表现已经证明他走得非常远。
"他几岁了,是26岁吗?”名人堂前锋斯宾塞·海伍德打趣道。但实际上,只不过他的状态如同年轻选手一般出色。36岁的他,无论数据还是效率仍然可以媲美巅峰时期。这位身高2.11米的大前锋依旧能投出难以防守的后仰跳投,也依然能够轻松突破完成终结,为队友制造机会。“这才是真正持续卓越,” 快船星莱昂纳德点评道,“每一年,都稳定输出25+!”
然而,2016年加盟勇士赢取两个冠军以来,由于其"追逐总冠军"策略常遭批评,其领导能力亦备受质疑。然而,在整个NBA联盟内,很少有人像杜兰特马克如此广泛尊重。不久之前森林狼的新星爱德华兹称呼他说这是“我的偶像”。 雄鹿前锋库兹马则因欣赏其选择35号战袍,自小观看其精彩集锦,当问及从哪学会技术时简短回答:"兄弟,一切!"
Kyle Tatum对此也是深表认同:“作为朋友以及榜样,我无法形容他对我们这一代人的影响……” 而哈登自雷霆初期便观察到此种品质,她认为早已展现真实工作的意义:
(…) 不单止如此, 布克补充指出:'很多人在训练过程中可能出现波动,但是你知道,只要看到KD站出来,就绝非儿戏'…...
< P > 然而,对于37岁的老将来说,再艰巨挑战面前——2019 NBA 决赛G5复出的背伤显露脆弱性,那声响令所有事情沦落至无望境界。 Right Achilles tendon ruptured led to his absence in the whole season; however, upon return he showcased even higher efficiency: In past twelve seasons before injury, shooting rate stood at 49.3%, while post comeback soared beyond it into fifty-three percent and averaging twenty-eight points. p > “At this age he's still progressing,” said Irving who played alongside him on Nets. Heat assistant Karun Butler provided a unique perspective from having shared court with both Kobe Bryant & Durant saying that they are equally skilled but each has their own distinct style—Kobe’s ruthless mid-range execution vs KD's strategic reliance on three-pointers.” All eight members of the prestigious thirty-thousand-point club reached milestones through varying methods — With Wilt scoring via interference ball against Suns, Kareem & MJ achieved theirs by free throws etc., whereas Dirk hit baseline jumpers as opposed to LeBron’ s stop-and-shot completion. During game versus Grizzlies where starting slow eventually surged back gaining second-quarter seventeen points scored closing third quarter driving layup drawing foul just one point away for milestone after approximately three minutes later once again penetrating paint fouled leading up two successful charity shots sealing achievement finally reaching thirty thousand total career markers." I jokingly told teammates if only I'd intentionally missed then could've earned more during play," laughed Durant afterwards finishing highest score tallying overall best performance recorded - Thirty-four Points! p > Greatness may fade over time yet clearly not here! "I continue learning every day hence most incredible part!” He remarked further adding excitement when asked whether aspiring replicating any techniques seen within games he'd witnessed prior – stating how utterly irreplaceable such qualities were displayed throughout entire span being impossible replicate or ever see something like it done thereafter concluding everything fitting nicely together perfectly revealing insight truly inspiring others around them towards future aspirations!"